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The aim of the workshop is a general discussion about various interconnected semantic, morphological and syntactical verbal aspects, and their role in the structure of the sentence.

The workshop welcomes papers concerning the following fields linked with verbal morphosyntax:

Other papers connected with verbal morphosyntax and their functions are also welcomed, including topics such as verb forms, moods, personal forms, transitivity, reflexivity, negation, etc.

The verbal grammatical categories of Baltic languages and the various semantic groups tied to them, their semantics and paradigmatics were traditionally an object of great interest for linguists both from the synchronic aspect as well as from the diachronic aspect. For example, there is still ongoing discussion about the status of verbal aspect and moods, as well as the status of voice forms and compound verbs, and their description in the Baltic languages. In the analysis of verbal aspect, there is still less focus devoted to the constructions verb + adverb, their semantics and systematic relation with prefixal verbs, as well as the link with the expression of aspectual meanings. The various cases where verbs that are used with their auxiliary meanings, and their relation with the processes of grammaticalization are made relevant by the problem of the difference between analytical morphological forms and syntactic constructions. In contemporary linguistics, these questions are also giving rise to great interest in both the typological aspect as well as the contrastive aspect, as data from the Baltic languages also provide fascinating material in adapting contemporary linguistic methods and in comparing the languages typologically. In addition, one should admit that verbal forms and their functions should also be more widely analyzed in the context of the structure of entire sentences as well as in the context of semantics – especially when talking about the syntactic semantics of participles in the Baltic languages as well as functions in the sentence.

Accepted papers


Click on the title to read the abstract. 


Ineta Balode, Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle
Priedēkļa verbi latviešu un vācu valodas kontrastīvā skatījumā
Anita Butāne
Jēdziena ‘verbs’ un tā apakšjēdzienu apzīmējumi 19. gs. un vēlākos latviešu valodas gramatiskās sistēmas aprakstos
Dens Dimiņš
On some empty categories in Icelandic and Latvian (PRO and pro)
Daiki Horiguchi
Priedēkļa un adverba atbilsme konstrukcijā "verbs + adverbs" latviešu valodā
Andra Kalnača
Nenoteiksme, modalitāte un verba nullformas latviešu valodā
Vita Kalnbērziņa
Darbības vārda kārtas kategorija latviešu zinātnes valodā kā zinātniskā reālisma rādītājs
Liene Kalviša
Evidenciālas semantikas darbības vārdu modalitāte
Agita Kazakeviča
Latviešu valodas lokāmie divdabji sekundāri predikatīvā funkcijā
Ērika Krautmane
Evidenciālas semantikas verba izteiksmju sastatījums latviešu, igauņu un lībiešu valodā
Regina Kvašytė
Kai kurie veiksmažodžių vartojimo ypatumai Latvijos lietuvių šnekamojoje kalboje
Marja Leinonen
Case variation of primary NPs in negated sentences in Latvian
Kristīne Levāne-Petrova
Izteicēja funkcijā lietoti lietuviešu valodas ciešamās kārtas divdabji un to atbilsmes latviešu valodā
Ilze Lokmane
Darbības vārda sintaktiskās nullformas latviešu valodā
Tatjana Pakalne
Deverbāli atvasinājumi ar piedēkli -īb-: semantikas, saistāmības jautājumi
Silvia Piccini
Go and come in Baltic languages: the tug of war between Deixis and Aktionsart
Svetlana Polkovņikova
Runas verbu gramatiskās transformācijas tulkojumā
Ina Poškuvienė
Daugkartinio veiksmo raiška senuosiuose lietuvių kalbos raštuose: dažninės būtojo laiko formos
Iveta Pūtele
Divdabji 20. gs. 20.–30. gadu latviešu terminoloģijā
Benita Riaubienė
The role of verbal prefixes in the expression of Baltic resultatives
Eiko Sakurai
Perfect in Lithuanian: an empirical study
Baiba Saulīte
Paplašinātāji ar adverbiālu nozīmi un to novietojums izteikumā
Zigrīda Vinčela
Saikļa „ka“ papildinātāja palīgteikumu salīdzinājums latviešu un angļu valodas tekstos
Evelīna Zilgalve
Ne un semantiskās un sintaktiskās funkcijas


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